Grassroots Gardens Of Western New York Inc
EIN 16-1479159
- Neighborhood Development
- Urban Development
- Agriculture
- Food Security
- Nutrition Programs
- Environmental Education
- Environmental Justice
- Natural Resources
- Community Service Clubs
We Garden Communities
Grassroots Gardens WNY supports over 100 community and school gardens, and over 500 volunteer gardeners growing in Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Your donation today supports our ability to grow healthy, resilient communities and convert vacant lots into productive, healthy spaces. Each year, we offer the following resources to neighborhoods across Western New York:
- 6,000+ vegetable seedlings
- 170+ yards of soil, compost, and mulch (that's over 350,000 lbs.!)
- Lumber to build and repair over 150 raised garden beds
- Land access and insurance
- 12-15 free, public workshops
- and countless hours of direct staff support in stewarding previously neglected spaces!
We are conservatively growing around 35,000lbs. of food annually, and recent data suggests for every 1 gardener, 5 people in the home are being fed with produce from the gardens. In addition growing healthy food, gardens are a critical component in neighborhood revitalization, community connections, and urban environmental habitat for native plants and birds.
We invite you to visit us the next two weekends for East Side Garden Walk and Garden Walk Buffalo to see the impact your donation makes! Thank you!
Grassroots Gardens WNY is a dedicated group of community activists and gardeners. Our mission is to share knowledge, power, and resources to grow healthy food, heal systemic harm, and strengthen neighborhood connections through community gardens.
Grassroots Gardens Of Western New York Inc is a Charity participating in the Give 716 Holiday Raffle (2024-12-27 Blackhawks) a 50/50 Raffle event, presented by Buffalo Sabres Foundation.