St. Lukes Mission of Mercy
EIN 16-1433964
- Verified
- Food Security
- Basic & Emergency Aid
- Shelter & Housing
- Faith Based
St. Luke's Mission of Mercy
Provided food & shelter for poor and homeless;assistance to those suffering from drug alcoholabuse; assistance and guidance for single mothers;training for children and religious servcies for all.
St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy
Mission Statement:
Together let us work toward a fullness of life, for all people, of all ages, of all cultures, of all social status, and of all faiths. Let our tools be unconditional acceptance, peaceful understanding and loving forgiveness in order to restore human dignity to the lonely, the broken-hearted, and the mentally and physically oppressed.
St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy supports all those who come to us in need to the best of our ability with the resources God provides for us through generous people and organizations. St. Luke’s Mission receives no money from the government or the Diocese of Buffalo. Some of our ministries are:
· Our kitchen prepares and distributes 1600 meals, 6 days a week.
· The baby room services on average 200 families each week,
· The food pantry provides food for 300 families each week.
· The mission mall provides clothing and house wares to 100’s of individuals and families each week.
· The furniture ministry is constantly on the move providing furniture and appliances to multiple families weekly.
· Additional ministries including assistance with prescriptions, over the counter medicine, transportation to appointments, etc….
· Over 3200 children will be provided with new toys for Christmas
· 2200 families will receive a Thanksgiving food basket, and 2000 families will receive a Christmas food basket
· On site of the St. Luke’s Campus we provide shelter to approximately 16 men.
· Housing for women and children is provided in the 23 homes St. Luke’s Mission owns and maintains in the surrounding neighborhood
St. Lukes Mission of Mercy is a Charity participating in the Give 716 Holiday Raffle (2024-12-27 Blackhawks) a 50/50 Raffle event, presented by Buffalo Sabres Foundation.